Monday, March 23, 2009

Six Month pics

"Why is she in a box??!"

This is how I found sweet Miss Elle the other day when I had V hold the baby for me just for a few minutes...poor thing, she doesn't have a chance! They were just trying to get her to take a nap though....I'll forgive them, they really are very cute with her and try to include her in all the fun.

Sportsman's Expo

Obviously we had to attend the Expo last weekend, it was fun fun fun! Oh yeah, unfortunately, Veronica's teacher wouldn't seat her in the front row of class so we had to get her glasses....she, of course, was so excited to have to wear glasses all the time but now all of a sudden she's saying she can't wait until she can wear contacts....r-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-y bites!

V learning to tie a fly

Oh look, the kids got a job while we were there too.

One down, uh... how many more to go?

Cody lost his first tooth about two weeks ago, I know, I'm the worst blogger! But, anyway, he of course was so excited, and yes the Tooth Fairy did make a visit.

kamryn & kiva

I will admit, I was paronoid about having a big dog around the baby......but, Kiva is so soft and sweet with the baby as you can see and is very protective of her. Kamryn gets really excited when Kiva enters the room and loves to pet her.....I'm slowly becoming a "dog lover" Dave is so patient with me.....